
Simple Gifts: An Interview with RAF Donor Ruth Onesi

Simple Gifts: An Interview with RAF Donor Ruth Onesi

For Ruth Onesi, it would be a more than eight-hour drive from her home in Niagara Falls, NY, to our nearest branch in Indianapolis, IN. And, despite that her donations deliver hope and encouragement to people she will never meet in cities she may never visit, RAF can count on Onesi’s support like clockwork. She is just one of the many donors living in locations where we don’t have branches inspired by the Random Acts of Flowers mission.

ruth1How did she learn about RAF? Call it serendipity, if you will; but Ruth’s membership to the monthly Dollar Shave Club brought the RAF mission directly to her mailbox. The April 2015 Club Handbook featured a photo of RAF Founder and CEO Larsen Jay handing flowers to someone in a hospital bed and included some information about RAF. Ruth even admits, “I don’t know why I read it that month. I usually just recycle it.” So, we wanted to know what made Ruth decide donate from a distance in the first place, and what keeps her coming back to the RAF mission:

What attracted you to the RAF cause?  

Everyone wants to know they matter. Some people are reminded of it more often than others, and unfortunately some people won’t ever know. There is always someone who cares for you without your knowledge; and, with RAF, it’s a guarantee that more and more people will know they matter and that someone cares for them when they need it the most.

Do you have a personal story that connects you to the RAF mission? 

I am super grateful that I actually have zero personal experience being in a hospital. I just thought it was so cool. I’ve visited people in the hospital before and you see someone who’s in the waiting room or comes out and no one’s waiting for them. It’s awful.

One thing that does connect me is that I’m at that age where everyone is getting married, and they had a bunch of flowers at their weddings and then you’d just see them getting thrown away at the end of the night. It’s such a waste! So the fact that RAF recycles flowers gives hope to other peopl – something that would have been garbage – I think that’s really amazing.

Since you are a distance from an RAF branch, what motivates you to stay involved?  

RAF is my favorite charity, hands down. I donate each week to some place, and I don’t see where the money goes for any of them. I go online and see the pictures RAF posts of people receiving flowers and that’s enough for me. I am always excited to continue donating to such an amazing cause that gives away happiness to everyone involved. I love knowing that what I donate can still affect multiple people in such a positive way.

ruth2In your opinion, what is the value of RAF’s mission?  

The mission of recycling flowers to give hope and smiles to unsuspecting sick, lonely, and sometimes even ‘forgotten’ people is pretty much the greatest idea I had ever heard. I always root for the underdog.

What inspires you to continue supporting? 

The best gifts are the simple ones, not just on special occasions or every once in a while. Random Acts of Flowers gives the gift of encouragement and boosts emotional health all year round!

What do you hope RAF will achieve moving forward? 

My hope is that RAF will continue to grow and grow, and one day every city would have a branch. Most importantly, Niagara Falls, NY, of course!

What would you say to other potential supporters who don’t have an RAF branch in their backyard?  

I challenge anyone who wants to see a small piece of the effect that this kind of charity has on people to try it for themselves. Go to a store, buy a bouquet, and hand it to anyone you want. See what happens. See how it changes their day. The happiness on their face, the way you feel knowing you may have just made their day.  Maybe you just changed their whole outlook, or maybe even yours! And, that’s someone just walking down the street. That’s just a fraction of what RAF does everyday. The people who RAF gives flowers to are in the hospital, they’re lonely, so it means all the more to see that someone cares about them.

ruth3Simple and unexpected acts of kindness are easy to give but the echoes are truly endless!

What’s your favorite flower and why?  

I do not have a favorite flower actually! But I do know that orange ones of any kind are usually the prettiest in my opinion.

Do you have any additional thoughts you want to share?  

I just want to send a big thank you to Larsen and all the folks at Random Acts of flowers for providing something so amazing in a world full of chaos.


* Random Acts of Flowers ever-expanding service area currently includes Knoxville (TN), Tampa Bay (FL), Chicago (IL), Indianapolis (IN), and Silicon Valley (CA), but we receive support from donors in 34 of the 50 states. We hope you’ll join them by donating today!


Chicago Patron Society Newsroom

Chicago Flower Power (WCIU, Chicago, 12.14.16)

Chicago Flower Power

(WCIU, Chicago, 12.14.16)

[youtube id=”GCjFmm88e7c” width=”800″ height=”475″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]


WTHR: Charity recycles donated flowers to hospital patients

INDIANAPOLIS (WTHR) – No one likes being at the hospital – but one new local organization is doing something to give patients a little happiness.

Random Acts of Flowers opened a branch Thursday in Indianapolis. It’s the charity’s fifth branch nationwide.

The group collects donations of flowers from weddings and other events where arrangements may otherwise be thrown out. Volunteers give the flowers a fresh cut and fresh water, then create new bouquets, which are hand delivered to a healthcare facility in less than 24 hours.

Thursday, about 75 patients at Eskenazi Health received flowers from the group.

See Full Article…


WBIR: Random Acts of Flowers expands to Indianapolis

“Random Acts of Flowers is spreading cheer through floral bouquets in a new city. The nonprofit is expanding to Indianapolis, and made its first delivery there Thursday morning.

RAF was founded in Knoxville in 2008, and is now operating in five cities across the country. Its mission is to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of individuals in health care and assisted living facilities by delivering bouquets of flowers recycled from weddings, special events and memorials services, as well as unsold florals from grocers and florists.

RAF made its first delivery in Indianapolis to Eskenazi Health hospital where 75 patients received bouquets.”

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Blog Newsroom

Release: Random Acts of Flowers to Deliver Encouragement in Indianapolis

First Delivery Impacts Emotional Health and Wellbeing of 75 Individuals at Eskenazi Health

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (October 13, 2016) – A very vulnerable segment of the Indianapolis community — those struggling with injury, illness and the aging process — will receive much-needed hope and health benefits thanks to a national not-for-profit agency now serving Indianapolis.

“The mission of Random Acts of Flowers is simple, yet its impact is huge,” said Dr. Lisa Harris, CEO of Eskenazi Health, where 75 patients received the first delivery of repurposed floral bouquets this morning from the new Random Acts of Flowers Indianapolis branch. “At Eskenazi Health we’re focused on the total wellbeing of our patients and those who care for them. We’re grateful for the opportunity of this partnership with Random Acts of Flowers to benefit our patients and our medical staff as well as our community.”

Founded in 2008 in Knoxville, Tenn., Random Acts of Flowers (RAF) focuses on its mission to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of individuals in healthcare and assisted living facilities across the country by delivering recycled flowers, encouragement and personal moments of kindness. The new Indianapolis facility, located in the SoBro area, is the organization’s fifth branch, with RAF also serving Tampa Bay, Chicago and Silicon Valley in addition to Knoxville.

RAF Indianapolis expects to serve nearly 12,000 individuals in area healthcare and senior care facilities in its first year. In addition to Eskenazi Health, St. Vincent Health, IU Health and Community Health also have signed on as healthcare partners with RAF Indianapolis, along with Brookdale Senior Living, with more to be added in the coming weeks. Flowers for today’s first deliveries were repurposed from floral stock from RAF’s national partner FTD/ProFlowers. Ongoing, RAF Indianapolis also will create beautiful bouquets from flowers recycled from weddings, special events and memorial services and unsold florals from grocers, local florists including retailer McNamara Florists and wholesaler Kennicott Brothers, and the FTD/ProFlowers distribution center in Richmond. Vases for the deliveries also are donated from the community and repurposed by RAF Indianapolis.

“We take what would otherwise end up in a landfill and transform it into beautiful bouquets to provide an unexpected surprise and emotional lift to people in a time of need,” said Larsen Jay, who conceived the idea of Random Acts of Flowers while recuperating from a near-death accident. “This is something that is very personal to me, because I have experienced the healing benefits of flowers myself and have seen it a thousand times over in the faces of those who have received a bouquet from Random Acts of Flowers.”

Multiple studies indicate that the mere presence of flowers in a patient’s hospital room can, in the words of researchers from Rutgers University, become “a powerful positive emotion inducer” that improves mood and long-term episodic memory in elderly patients. A 2009 study from researchers at Kansas State University found that “patients in rooms with plants and flowers had significantly shorter hospitalizations, lower ratings of pain, anxiety and fatigue, and more positive feelings” when compared to patients in a control group. Most recently in a study conducted earlier this year at the University of Tennessee Medical Center, 95% of respondents reported that the unexpected delivery from Random Acts of Flowers improved their overall wellness, with 73.5% reporting “extreme improvement.” Further, the UTMC study reaffirmed that RAF is serving patients who typically are not getting this sort of encouragement, with more than 80% of respondents reporting they had not received other gifts of flowers outside of the RAF delivery, and 11% stating that the RAF volunteers were the only visitors they had during their hospital stay.

“I never dreamed this idea borne from my hospital room nine years ago would spread the way it has,” Jay said. “But thanks to the tremendous leadership of this community, we now are able to bring our mission to Indianapolis.”

Run largely by a dedicated corps of volunteers, Random Acts of Flowers has more than 2,000 volunteers nationwide who have served more than 155,000 people in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living and hospices across the country. The agency also has recycled more than 180,000 vases, repurposed countless bows and card picks and composted tons of green waste.

The new RAF Indianapolis branch has a small staff of three and is actively recruiting volunteers to assist with floral pickups, floral preparation, arranging bouquets, driving, personal deliveries and miscellaneous assistance in the facility.


For b-roll, mission photos, testimonials and other media materials, go to:

CONTACT: Cindy McConkey Cox –; 865-368-3976 Tom Surber – 317-880-4793